Out of Sight ICMTC-2024
Out of Sight
General information:
Type : ELF
CPU : 64-bit
Subsystem : Console
Packing : NO
Running the binary:
First, Let’s run the program:
Static Analysis:
Now, let’s go to our previous printed string Enter The Vault Password Key:
, We can see a called to sub_565FFA2C942D
with our input as parameter which looks like encoding method, then a compare between 2 strings, if they are identical we get our flag, otherwise we get “Access Denied”
Now, let’s open a remote debugger in IDA to see what is happening.
Dynamic Analysis:
First, we should notice that there is an anti-debugging technique at the beginning, we could just patch this jump to force it to jump to our loc_5D49C99119B5
Now we run our program and insert input
as our input, we can see that the _strcmp
is comparing our encoded input with lvu_krr_uw_blhg
Now let’s have a look in how sub_565FFA2C942D
encodes our input.
Encoding Process:
- Loop over each character in
(which contains our input) up tov14
length. - If the character is alphabetical, it performs a shift:
- If uppercase, it converts it to the range 0-25 (A-Z), applies the key shift, and converts back to uppercase.
- If lowercase, it does similarly but for the lowercase range (a-z).
- Non-alphabetical characters are copied unchanged.
After some deep analysis, we can tell that it uses Vigenère cipher
to encode the input.
Example for Vigenère cipher:
- Plaintext: “HELLO”
- Keyword: “KEY”
- Repeated Keyword: “KEYKE”
- encoding:
- H + K -> R (shift H by 10 places, K is the 11th letter)
- E + E -> I (shift E by 4 places, E is the 5th letter)
- L + Y -> J (shift L by 24 places, Y is the 25th letter)
- L + K -> V (shift L by 10 places, K is the 11th letter)
- O + E -> S (shift O by 4 places, E is the 5th letter)
- Ciphertext: “RIJVS”
Instead of trying to debug the whole encoding subroutines to get our key, I used a little tricky way to get our key.
As mentioned, the Vigenère cipher
use a Repetitive key to shift all of the characters in the plaintext, the alphabetical character values are between 0-25, typically if we use 0 as input (either a
or A
),Thus, the ciphertext character directly tells us the key character.
So, I provided aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
as input and I got eh_frame_hdreh_frame_hdr
as encoded value in S2, so our Repetitive key is eh_frame_hdr
but we know that Non-alphabetical characters aren’t accepted in Vigenère cipher so it’s a modifed version of it that _
has a shift value.
After some tries we can tell that if the third character in our input:
- is
will result int
. - is
will result ink
. - is
will result inp
So the _
does a shift left by 2 alphabetical characters which is the same effect of y
in original Vigenère cipher (shift right by 24 alphabetical characters), that mean that our key could be representd as ehyframeyhdr
Cyber Chief:
Now as we got our key and we know the ciphertext must equal lvu_krr_uw_blhg
, we can use cyber chief decoder to get our input.
Now let’s try it
Yup, we got our flag ;)