7 minute read



  • Category: Reverse
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Link: Here

General information:

Type : EXE
CPU : 32-bit
Subsystem : Console
Language: C#
Packing : NO

Running the binary:

First, let’s run the program:

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So, it’s a straight forward binary, we just need to find the correct password.


Now, let’s open our binary in dnSpy, we see the previously printed strings. followed by a Console.ReadLine(), then have a length check to make sure that our input is equal to 15, otherwise it will print Sorry, wrong password!

After that, a random number is generated using the Random class, and a value num2 is computed based on the random number, password length, and the sum of the ASCII values

Then creates a new byte array array of the same length as program.secret. For each byte in the secret, an XOR operation is performed with num2, and the result is stored in array

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Double-clicking on secret to see what is inside, We see that the secret field is an array of bytes, and it is used in the XOR operation in the previously code to generate the token. The array contains a predefined set of byte values, which range from 168 to 255.

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  • The program reads a 15-character password from the user.
  • It calculates a random value based on the sum of ASCII values of the password characters and a random number.
  • It performs an XOR operation on the secret data with this calculated value.
  • The result is displayed as a token to the user.


I wrote the following python script to loop over all possible values of num2 (from 0 to 255).

import string

# Initialize the secret byte array
secret = [
    210, 222, 222, 222, 224, 255, 171, 239, 245, 168, 239, 196, 254, 168, 225, 
    226, 196, 227, 171, 233, 196, 236, 170, 239, 243, 196, 247, 170, 246, 170, 
    239, 168, 255, 196, 240, 168, 226, 232, 235, 250, 248, 254, 230

# Brute-force all possible values for num2 (from 0 to 255)
for num2 in range(256):
    # XOR the secret array with the current num2 value
    decoded = ''.join([chr(byte ^ num2) for byte in secret])
    # Check if the decoded message contains only printable characters
    if all(c in string.printable for c in decoded):
        print(f'num2: {num2}, Decoded message: {decoded}')

NOTE: The script checks if the decoded message contains only printable characters (using Python’s string.printable) and prints the value of num2 along with the decoded message.

Running the script

After running the script, we can see our flag in the last iteration.

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  • Category: Reverse

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Link: Here

First we have an ELF file and a TXT file., let’s start with the ELF.

General information:

Type : ELF
CPU : 64-bit
Subsystem : Console
Language: C/C++
Packing : NO

Running the binary:

First, let’s run the program:

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The program seems to encode our input somehow and print it, the mission is to find the right input that generates the string in the .txt file.


At the beginning, I tried to analyze it statically with IDA, but it was way complicated, so I moved on to dynamic analysis using IDA Remote Debugger.

First, I set a bp at where the usr is asked for input, but I ended up getting this error several times:

4088FD: got SIGVTALRM signal (Virtual alarm clock) (exc.code 1a, tid 5125)

After some research, I found out that this is error is generated because the binary sets a virtual timer using the setitimer() system call, which causes the SIGVTALRM signal to be delivered when the timer expires.

I debugged the binary slowly until I found the call to setitimer() and replaced it with nop and fixed the return value, now we can debug the program more easily.

After heavy debugging, I still don’t understand how the encode is done, so I moved to a quicker way.

Since we have the desired output, why can’t we just brute-force it?, So, I wrote the following Python script to automate the process and tried to make it as simple as possible so that it runs quickly:

import itertools
import string
import subprocess

# Define the binary path and the input value
binary_path = './Patched'  

# Define the desired output
desired_output = "E&M*~;,%#<2N]/~J3E*?&*F<E!,Y%\;;S*:\=%8N%NORN*~?G%14WG;;+*W1*RWX^E*'2*?+*U*FU\%2|G4,X:I>%I%'S93W4%1O7,Z&;*?NE!D$~#|]ISR**^EZW,E>"

# Define the character set (uppercase, lowercase, digits, and underscore)
charset = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + '_' + '+'

# Fixed prefix
prefix = ''

# Length of the remaining characters
remaining_length = 128

# Function to brute force the remaining characters
def brute_force():
    for suffix in itertools.product(charset, repeat=1):
        # Join the prefix and the current suffix to form the full input
        input_value = prefix + ''.join(suffix)
        yield input_value

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for itration in range (remaining_length):
        for attempt in brute_force():
            input_value = attempt
                # Run the binary and provide input
                process = subprocess.Popen(binary_path, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

                # Communicate with the process to send the input and capture output
                output, error = process.communicate(input=input_value.encode())

                # Print the output and any errors
                if output:
                    f_output = output.decode()[30:(30+len(input_value))] # Delete the string printed before the output
                    if f_output == desired_output[:len(f_output)]:
                        prefix = input_value
                        break  # Move to the next iteration after finding a match

                if error:
                    print("Error:", error.decode())

            except FileNotFoundError:
                print(f"Error: The binary '{binary_path}' was not found.")

            except Exception as e:
                print(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}")


Running the script:

After running the script for only 10 seconds, we have got our flag.

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  • Category: OSINT
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Link: Here


I was on a mission to track down a notorious cybercriminal, someone responsible for a series of high-profile cyberattacks. My latest intel revealed that he was planning a fresh strike on a famous restaurant chain that had already been hit, leaking sensitive data. Through some clever digging, I managed to retrieve a single image of the place he was spotted—a quiet café, but the clues were all there. Now, it’s up to you. track him down, and uncover where he was before he disappears again. Time is ticking.

Flag Format: IEEE{**-*******}


First, I tried to search the full image on google lens, but I didn’t found somwthing useful, So I decided to take it part by part.

I noticed the reversed word on the umbrella Bazooka -which is a famous fried chicken restaurant- and a flag for Cup & Task cafe in the other side, I started to searching on google maps for any branchs of Bazooka that is near to a branch of Cup & task.

I have got a match on Orium mall at El-Shorouk city, so I tried that and I got the point.

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  • Category: OSINT
  • Difficulty: Easy


In a sudden eruption of chaos, a former writer for a famous American media personality struck a man in the face multiple times before running away. Witnesses were left in shock, and now, a crucial question remains: who was the man she attacked? Your mission is to uncover his identity and reveal the story behind this enigmatic encounter. Flag Format: IEEE{FirstName_LastName}


All I had to do is to search on google with the phrase A writer for American media personality struck a man in the face multiple times and from the first website I got the female writer’s name

The article only mentioned the man as Zscorro but never mentioned his real-name, So I start to search on Who is Zscorro Elisa Jordana's boyfriend and I found his name here

